A Guide on Making Immigration Bond Payments
It is essential that you pay an immigration bond if you have someone close to you arrested or detained over immigration offenses so that they can be freed until they can make a court appearance. You can only apply for an immigration bond if the detainee meets specific qualifications. You may be released on a free if the relevant body decides that you be released on a recognizance. However, in the unfortunate event that the decision for your bond amount is made, you need to go back to the drawing board and look at your options.
A delivery bond is accompanied with some custody terms and an arrest warrant that forces the detainee to be present at all hearings. You are required to leave the country on your own budget and within a specific timeframe with the reward of getting your bond amount back if you are awarded a voluntary departure bond. There are factors such as your immigration status, your criminal history, employment status and family ties that determine how high or how low your bond amount I going to be set. The payment of a bond is a process that most people do not know even though it is crucial.
Make sure that your knowledge about the detainee is not scanty. in most cases, you will need to know their full legal names and their alien registration number. The exact location where they are being held is also something you need to know. The location may be a bit difficult to handle since detainees are moved regularly and you should, therefore, stay updated. Speaking to a criminal defense attorney before making the payment is essential if the detainee has any pending criminal charges.
Find out if the detainee is eligible for an immigration bond. Things such as suspected terrorism and a history of involvement in criminal activities may stop them from qualifying for an immigration bond. You may also fail to qualify due to lack of lawful immigration status and entering the country illegally.
Determine the amount that has been set for the bond. There is no other body that can set the bond amount except the immigration authority or an immigration judge. If the detainee posed no flight risk and has no criminal record, you should expect to pay a few thousand dollars for a bond. you can learn about the bond amount from the detainee’s notice of custody form or the immigration officer in charge.