Where to Sell your Designer Handbag
There is nothing quite like a designer handbag to have in your wardrobe. These bags look amazing, and come with prices that can stun you. Those who have a few they no longer use are sitting on a lucrative investment. The bag mat not make the exact amount you spent on it, but you can be certain it shall be a handsome return. This is only after you?identify the right buyer. You can visit this site for more info.
When you decide to sell a designer handbag to a reseller, there are certain things you need to do first. These are the things that will make for you feting the best price. It is important first to find out where an authentic buyer is.
A good place to go to next is to find the box, dust bag, receipt and authenticity card for the bag. It is easy to assume that the nice packaging that comes with the designer bag was just that; packaging. But if you suspect you may want to sell it in future, you need to store them safely. They add to the authenticity of the bag. This shall ease the authentication process of the bag. If they are missing; the process goes on for much longer.
You should now prepare a clear and detailed description of the bag. A clear description shall make for the right introduction of the bag, and minimize the number of questions you get asked in the process. You have to examine the bag, noting any mark thoroughly, scuffs, tarnishing, creasing, smells and any other wear. This applies to even a practically new bag. You need to also talk of the unique features that make the bag special. You can talk of qualities such as a limited edition piece, in a rare color or leather, the year of manufacture, where it was bought, and its present market availability.
You then need to take photos of the bag from every angle. If you have a great performing smartphone, it shall do. You need to use natural lighting for the photo session. You need the photos to reflect the details you talked about earlier as you were introducing the bag. Take photos of the inside and outside, as well as all accessories and packaging the bag, came with. Keep your personal info on the receipt concealed.
It is important that after you have agreed on the terms with the buyer, to have the bag delivered to them safely. You need to have the handbag tracked to the destination. A good reseller will send over a prepaid packaging to ship the bag to them.
When you follow these steps, you will make the buyer happy, and you will get the most returns from the sale.